Weather problems

Jul 06, 2012 14:21

Hi, my dears, I was wrong. This monsoon-like weather really turned nasty yesterday and caused really serious damage everywhere in CR , from local floods to damaged rails, fallen trees and fields harvested by hail. And a massive electricity blackout.
We are safe here in Spolí, damage minimal in comparison with general situation though I cried over my damaged garden and fallen down swollow nest.

We were off the electricity the whole evening and night, so cooked on our gas stove and played cards by the candlelight and also and old petroleum lamp with a round mirror behind it to reflect more light. It hasn´t been used for years but I still keep it in a larder - and it pays off! daughter and her boyfriend arrived for a barbecue and all was spoiled by a horrible hailstorm and windstorm. this time the hailstones were between 3-5 cm and ouch! it hurt! All the birds disappeared, some in Badík´s cage under a roof. Badík was all right, sleeeping  and Tygr ran home and slept in a drawer. So we cooked and played cards:-)
My mum however was frightened very much, such a wild thing looks different in a town between the houses and in a village where, the house is exposed to the elements. She disappeared in her bed, fortunately she fell asleep and slept till the morning.
The electricity came back in the morning, the fallen trees damaged the lines. Today they warn against more such storms, the air is hot and terribly humid again and I can see those tall cumulus clouds that bring the storms.And the insect bite like mad - always before a storm!
I am in the middle of mowing the garden, cleaning the twigs and torn leaves and other mess. Of course our old mowing machine is on a strike, that damned starter (a string one) won´t work properly and I have already lost my tamper and swore very violently.
I had to leave, I fell such an urge to turn the machine into instead of that, I am writing.
If I don´t comment today or tommorow, the electricity is down again...
I will let you know. I do hope you are all safe!

Spolí, storm

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