Гениальные вещи. Гениальные.

Jun 02, 2014 22:20

Очень правильные вопросы, которые следует задавать, будучи на собеседовании на работу.

На четвертый вопрос я как-то получила ответ от шефа. Не все так радужно.

Five Questions To Ask In Every Interview

1. How did you spend your day yesterday?  (Most relevant for a person who is doing the same role you are applying for.)
2. Can you please describe the most successful person who’s ever held this position?
3. Does this position value ________ (fill in the blank with the characteristic you value most about yourself)?
4. Given what you know about your role today, would you still pick the same career path?  Why or why not?

5. If this position wasn’t open to me, what other role do you think I should be pursuing?

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работа, гениальное, интересно

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