
Dec 07, 2009 14:34

So, this morning I got a Facebook Friend Request from Carlisle City Council.


Carlisle City Council. I'm getting friend requests from *city councils*. Apparently we have '3 mutual friends'.

WTFFFF? I'm used to getting requests from people I don't know or don't like or who are probably spambots. I even accepted a request from a museum (given that I used to work there), but I think you have to draw the line somewhere. I draw the line at regional governmental bodies.

For a while now I've been seriously considering deleting my facebook account. Most of the people who've friended me are people I've never bothered to keep in touch with and usually we exchange a few messages and that's it. I can't really see the point in pretending to have any kind of connection with someone I last spoke to about 20 years ago and don't really care about.

LiveJournal I like. At least with LiveJournal there's some interesting content.

The only thing that stops me deleting my Facebook account is that because you have to use your real name, it's incredibly useful for finding people you *do* actually want to contact (when its search engine decides to work, that is).

And please don't ask me to join Twitter :/
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