Apr 04, 2013 23:26
Still sad about my mother, often at times I'm not really expecting.
I'm still going to the gym, four times a week. Some major diet changes taking place, mainly around increasing vegetables and decreasing sugar from non-fruit sources. Still no coke since Xmas. I had one Easter Egg and two hot cross buns as an Easter blow-out. Not buying lunch so much these days, more likely to bring it in to work from home.
Work has improved a lot, since the GM I didn't like moved on. I now have some good projects, but ... a nice research job opened up at "Moby", so I have applied for it and would like an interview.
Mostly paid for Pennsic, major expense now is probably a hotel room in San Francisco. Saving money, so not quite getting around to driving lessons just yet.
Tinkering with boardgames continues. One step forward, three shuffles sideways.
I have a session as a DJ playing gothy tunes in a bar next week. So part of the weekend will be spent on music selection, and figuring our a reasonable software interface for the laptop.