very tired. sometimes when I'm not concentrating my eyes start to randomly twitch, REM-style, even though I'm standing up.
Meg's Cat, Gina, threw up majorly last night. My mom was kind enough to clean it up and thinks it's a hairball problem but we agree the kitty should go to the vet. I dunno whether to text msg Meg about it though. 'Cause what can she do, from Rockford, but worry? But she still oughtta know. Her cat and all. >_<
Trying to do too much at once. Trying to do too much. Trying. Meh. At least there's that.
Trains on Metra's Union Pacific-West line were delayed this morning because they found a dead pedestrian run over by a train (I think) in pieces on the tracks by Kimball Street in Elgin. When I'm late, which I have been every day this week, I drive down to the National Street station, though, which is east of Kimball, so I didn't get to if anything was still going on with that.
should go. stand in line, buy 10-ride, catch 5:17. find cats. feed them. call Roosevelt U and ask if Sallie Mae got back to them. call Dadoo and tell him I'm not coming over tonight (last night I was gonna study for insurance but was at Dadoo's til 10pm helping Hillary with poems). call Julia and apologize for missing her birthday. take nap. study for insurance. root through boxes and look for passport to use as ID when I go to the DMV on Monday. must shower. must do laundry. maybe tonight I can exercise or watch something sports-related.
I was right to fear adulthood.