May 12, 2012 21:15
Man, I still cant believe that Acchan is graduating from akb48 :(
Though I'm not a big fan of akb48 but I like them a lot.
And you cant refuse that every time someone says akb48, Acchan always appears to your head first
Even though she's not my favorite...
I mean for me, she's the fittest to be the center of akb48
Though my main is no.2 and 3 (Yuko and Yukirin)
However, I never expected those two to be able to compete Acchan...
And I actually cried when I was watching the vdo of her announcing her graduating from the group
I have to say I respect her so much
She said she steps out of akb48 so the others can have their own time to shine...
As I listened to her words, I gotta admit that
Not on her appearance is just beautiful...but also is her heart...
She knows that if she stayed in akb longer, she'd always be no.1
and it would be hard...really hard for the others to compete her
since she has huge number of fans...
so she decided to graduate from the group...
like know she could have stayed in akb48 and be safe cuz she'll always be the center
but she decided to step can you imagine that??
I wonder what will happen in the future of akb48 once Acchan steps out...
and of course I'll be supporting them like before
so let's wait and see about the future?? :D