Oct 12, 2010 23:30
So, I've kinda disappeared from LJ recently. I have a good reason, I suppose (that tiny thing called university ;D), but still - figured I'd drop by with something of an update.
♥ My tutor is lovely.
♥ I only have one essay a fortnight (much better than I expected).
♥ I haven't fallen asleep in any lectures yet.
♥ I haven't failed a Latin class yet. (I haven't had any Greek ones - hells yeah.)
♥ I'm singing and fluting, and waiting to hear back from the University orchestras - I auditioned on Saturday.
♥ We had a fire drill at 7 am this morning - and the alarm went just as I was about to go and have a shower. Quite glad it didn't go off five minutes later.
♥ I joined the Union!
♥ I adore eating in hall, with gowns, and really quite nice food.
♥ Everyone is so lovely it's unbelievable.
Also, I've lost my voice. But that's okay! ♥♥
watch me geek,
higher educational institutions,
music playing in my ears,
my broken body,
my life,
fluting on a theme