i'm too enraged to think of anything witty for a title.

Apr 19, 2010 21:19

As you lot may've noticed, I'm not an activist kind of person. I have my opinions, but I'm not going to force them on anyone else or shout about them.

But this? This here? This mockery of caring? This deserves shouting about.

Two men, in a committed and loving relationship, both getting on in years: one in his seventies, one in his eighties. Clay and Harold. They've lived together for 20 years, and been together for 25. They have everything legal sorted out, all the paperwork taken care of, and they plan to spend their retirement together until the inevitable comes.

One day, Harold trips and needs to be taken to hospital. Clay, despite the fact that he's his long-term partner, despite the fact that the medical staff have a duty to consult him on his partner's treatment, isn't consulted, isn't even allowed to see Harold.

Then Harold is put into a home - again, without Clay's say-so. Clay is still not allowed to see him. And then Clay is put into a home - a different home. A couple of twenty-five years, isolated from each other.

Three months later, Harold dies. Clay still hasn't seen him.

Then the county auctions off their possessions and their home. Clay has nothing left of the man he loved except a scrapbook Harold pieced together for him in those last three months.

This happened in 2008. This is only now coming to light.

If they were a heterosexual couple, this never would have happened.

And if this doesn't get you angry? There is seriously something wrong with you.

Oh, and this happened in CALIFORNIA. What the fuck happened to equality?

watch me rant

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