rambling: some coherent, some not.

Aug 01, 2009 23:45

What. This is like my fourth post in two days. I need to stop spamming, damnit.

Item one: Going to Scotland tomorrow. Awesome. :D And I'm currently trying to cram lots of stuff into a bag that's just the tiniest bit too small. *glares at bag* I am going to spend the next few days watching films, reading, and maybe scribbling some Kirk/Bones-y things. It's going to be shiiiiny. Also, sevedra? I'm taking that thing you sent me with me - I'll get it back to you by the end of the week, never fear. *hugs*

Item two: Started my startrekbigbang fic! Currently, I have done 1.5k out of 15k. :D And it is full of Bones/Jim snark. Boys - stop fighting and let me get to plot. Also, the file is totally called "[star trek] [big bang] welcome to gaia iv, bitches". I'm odd.

Item three: THIS. I JUST. THAT. GO. READ. I have never known how much my life needed James T. Kirk saying, "Hell yeah I'm the motherfucking princess". *flails* With slightly more coherency? It's a st_xi_kink prompt fill. The prompter requested Kirk/McCoy - through Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend. I now cannot listen to that song without cracking up. SO MUCH AWESOMENESS. Also, tutu.

And using my Posner/Scripps icon BECAUSE I CAN. And because that scene made me love Brief Encounter, and Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto in C minor. :D ♥

watch me geek, history rattling over the points, writing of a sort, star trekking, music playing in my ears, my life

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