musings, and a question.

Jul 31, 2009 18:44

Today, I've been writing. (I know, what a surprise.) But yeah - I polished up Something like a Countdown and posted that, and that got me thinking: namely, about Jim and Bones. It's been something that's been nagging at me for a while now, actually, because I totally have a life and don't spend my time thinking about fandom at all :D.

I don't write first-time fic. Well, I don't write serious first time fic, at least. Because of that, I can't figure out when (in my personal head canon), our two lovely, co-dependent boys got together. There's an awful lot of awesome first-time fic out there for these two, but I really cannot figure out when they stopped being Bones & Jim (with a hefty side order of UST) and became Bones/Jim (with a hefty side order of Issues and Angst, if you're me :D).

This is starting to annoy me. *facepalm*

I mean, in Between the Frying Pan and the Fire, they're "more than best friends with benefits, but less than monogamous lovers". Matchmaker, Matchmaker is a first-time, set on board the Enterprise (but that's crack, so it doesn't count). sealed by a fragile touch, fingerprints of forgotten memories and glass right down the middle are all established relationship. My own fics are confusing me.

*flails in a confused fashion*

People, I need your opinions. And possibly some recs of awesome first-time fics so I can make up my mind. :D For you, when did Bones&Jim become Bones/Jim?

*glares at fics*

Also? GOING TO SCOTLAND ON SUNDAY! *dances* Hell yes. The parents caved.


watch me geek, analysing fandom, writing of a sort, star trekking, i now pair kirk/bones, my life

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