
Nov 15, 2005 15:28

Once again I apologise for not upda....nahhhhh stuff it...not apologising anymore :)  I'll update when I'm bloody good and ready! So there :P

LOVIN this weather...feels like its been so long coming but I'm glad it's finally here. Going outside to do my first lot of weeding for 4 months. YAY.  Been dying to get stuck into that...I have thistles that look like karri trees.  Just waiting for squirt to wake up before I go out there coz otherwise I can't hear him from out the front...having a champion sleep, as he's been down since 11am *waiting waiting*.  Very unusual, but I'm not complaining.

Went to Perth 2 weekends ago for our annual post office staff social outing to the big smoke thingy and had a great time.  Stayed at Broadwater Pagoda apartments and I must say, as nice as the Pagoda resort is, the apartments leave a little to be desired.  Nice enough, but I've definitely stayed in cleaner places.  And the room service man was ROOD ROOD ROOD.  Anyhoo, Ben & I headed up on the Friday arvo (with enough shit to take on a 3 month safari I swear) with the intention of making it to a family photo shoot we had booked for 2pm, but alas, we didn't even get onto the freeway until 1pm and I still had to get Brayden fed & changed, me fed and changed and made up and us checked in and car unloaded etc, so unfortunately we had to cancel.  On the upside, it freed up our afternoon for a bit of relaxing and a walk around the foreshore.  Headed off to Gary & Leanne's for tea..was good to see them again...and got back to the hotel about 11ish to find everyone else had arrived and was making mucho noiso around the pool.  Needless to say I left them to it and went to bed.  Saturday morning we had to ourselves, so us 3 plus my aunty & uncle (my aunty works at the post office too) who we were sharing an apartment with, headed into the city for a spot of shopping.  Somehow became completely trapped in Toys'r'Us, and I think this xmas Brayden will be the most over-indulged 5.5 month old to ever grace the earth.  My god.

Headed back to the apartments for lunch and then met up with everyone else for our zoo trip.  About this time, Brayden decided to start complaining about the humungous amount of formula my mum decided to pour down his neck on the previous thursday (300mls in one sitting'd think someone who had had 3 kids would know better, wouldn't you? Especially for a breastfed baby).  I had noticed that he hadn't done number 2's for a lot longer than normal, and it seems the excessive feed really clogged him up and he wasn't going to stand for this sitting in the pram bizzo.  Pick up and carry around = happy, put in pram = scream.  Considering the little squirt is over 7kgs now, carrying him around the whole zoo wasn't really feasible so Ben & I spent the majority of the afternoon amusing ourselves and him on the lawn while everyone else did the sightseeing thing.  POO POO POO. And on Sunday morning, after the most restless nights sleep he's had in a while, it all came out.  POO that is, and lots of it :) Two days worth, to be exact.  No more tummy aches anyway, and yes, my mum got a right old serve the next time I saw her.  Anyhoo, went to visit ben's mum for lunch, stopped at harbourtown quickly to spend my pumpkin patch vouchers, then headed home.  Was an interesting, rushed and exhausting trip all up!

On the weekend just gone we went up to Bunbury for the night on Saturday as I was going to A Day on the Green with some gf's.  Ben was babysitting but we booked a hotel for the night coz I cant get away with not feeding for that long just yet.
I left him and went and met up with the girls at about 3 and he managed to get bub fed, bathed and into bed without too much fuss so I was quite impressed.  Meanwhile, it was an absolutely stunning day at the Sanctuary and I was having a right ripper old time downing a whole bottle of wine to myself (woops!) and dancing away to Kasey and Pete. Kasey was on at 5.30 (right on dusk - was so nice) and Pete at 7.30 so I didn't get back to the hotel until 10, and lets just say my attempt at feeding left a little to be desired *ahem*.  Luckily Ben thought it was quite hilarious and I just ignored him, had a nice long shower and thankfully Brayden decided he wasn't that hungry anyway (either that or he didn't fancy pickled milk) and went back to sleep until 3am.  For that I was eternally grateful, because I don't think I was capable of much before then.  As it was I had to open one eye at a time and just make sure my vision had returned to normal before getting up.  Felt slightly off in the morning but not too bad at all...fixed up entirely by a maccas breakfast :)  There was a Telethon thingamebobby on at Bunbury forum so we were actually able to mosey around on Sunday and do some shopping before heading home.  I managed to lose my good sunnies at the concert, so if nothing else it was a good excuse to buy some more.  Also brought the new Patricia Cornwell book, gawd only knows how long it will take me to get through it though.  Gone are the days of me finishing a book in a matter of hours...this one will probably take me the better part of a year.

It is still going okay with work, but I do find myself completely and utterly bushed come Fridays, so I have been considering asking if I can job share with another girl they have put on and do 5 day fortnights on a 3-2 rotation, but it will all depend on how it will affect their budgets etc.  Depends on how it will affect our budget too, so will have to have a chat to husband dearest about his spending habits :P

Actually have a totally free weekend coming up, which I am looking forward to immensely, as the last few free weekends we've had it has been pissing down/freezing cold/both.  The weekend after that Ben's mum & sis are coming to stay and I also have my 10 yr school reunion so the girls are coming down from Perth as well, so it will be full on.  Then a couple of weekends after than Ben's friend Benny who was the best man at our wedding is coming over for xmas and its the first time he's been back since the wedding, so we are looking forward to seeing him.  Then the weekend after that of course is xmas and we are hosting the big family do at our place this year, so I'm getting myself all in a tizzy making sure that I'm going to be organised for that.  Not that there will be a lot to do, but I want to be able to relax and enjoy the day for the first time that we don't actually have to pack up and drive somewhere, so I want to have it all sorted beforehand.

Anyhoo I have a staff meeting tonight and its taken me about 2 hrs to actually get this entry posted, in between ben coming home for lunch, brayden waking up and wanting to be fed and me starting on the weeding, so now I'd better get stuff organised for tea etc seeing as I'm going to be out and Ben has pistol shooting tonight.

ciao luvvlies :)

Approx 15 weeks

Same same..apologies for the focus issues!

Yesterday...jolly jump jump jumping awayyy

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