VIXX Secret Santa Exchange 2016

Aug 13, 2016 03:52

Did you miss us? We hope so, because we're back! It's this time of the year again!

VIXX Secret Santa Exchange 2016

Let the magic begin

How it works:
  • Each participant creates a wish list with their wishes, including gifts they would like to receive or give. Accepted gifts include stories, drabbles, poems, art, podfics-anything that can be posted on AO3 ;)
  • Each participant will be assigned a gifter. This is an anon exchange, so you will not know who created your gift until the reveals.
  • Gifts are due December 1. Near Christmas, the gifts will be delivered. Every day, a participant will receive their present until the postage centre is completely empty.
This exchange is hosted on AO3. If you need an invite, bug us! :)


Nominations for Crossover Fandoms [optional]: August 13 (Pago Pago time) until August 20
Post Your Wish List: August 21 through August 28
Gift Assignments Sent Out: September 1
Submission Date of Gifts: December 1
Gift Delivery: December 11 to 25, one gift a day
Reveal of Gift Makers: January 1, 2017

PHASE 1: NOMINATION PERIOD (Aug 13 (Pago Pago time) until Aug 20)

**If you do not want to request crossovers for your Secret Santa gift, this phase does not concern you :)

Here is where you nominate:
  • Crossover fandoms [e.g. EXO, A Pink, Girl's Day, GOT7]
  • Characters you want to request from that fandom [e.g. Park Sojin, Jung Eunji]
  • Pairings you want to request [this should include a VIXX member] [e.g. Park Sojin/Cha Hakyeon]
I know the temptation is great, but please nominate only the characters/crossover fandoms you want to request ;)

Please note that you should nominate a pairing if you want a fic with a pairing, but a character if you just want the character to play a major part in the fic (not necessarily as part of a pairing).

PHASE 2: SIGN-UPS (Aug 21 to Aug 28)

Please put each new request in a new section.

Please note that you should request a pairing if you want a fic with a pairing, but a character if you just want the character to play a major part in the fic (not necessarily as part of a pairing).

Please include the following to help your gifter know what you'd like!
  • Content you would love
  • Content you would rather not receive
  • Prompts, quotes or scenarios [optional; if included, try not to be overly specific!]
  • Rating preferences of your gifts
When sign-ups open, the sign-up form may be found here.

PHASE 3: WRITING (Sept 1 to Dec 1)

You'll receive your assignments by Sept 1, and then the writing will begin! Don't stress, there is no minimum word count so just write create something nice for your giftee

The last day for defaulting will be on 15 Nov, two weeks before the official deadline. Please click the "Default" button on your AO3 assignment so that your assignment can be reassigned to a pinch-hitter. Defaulting after 15 Nov will result in a penalty for next year's Secret Santa.

All reminders will be sent to your emails through your AO3 accounts.

By 1 December, 23:59 Pago Pago time, your gift must be uploaded into the collection archive.

PHASE 4: DELIVERY (Dec 11 to Dec 25)

Depending on the number of gifts, one gift will be delivered every day until the end of the year. This will happen randomly as gifts are unveiled each day.

As it is a present created especially for you, please take the time to leave a comment for your gifter!


Reveals will take place one week after New Year's, on Jan 1 :)

Anyone can join :) As long as you can see this, you're eligible! Any questions may be posed below or at Twitter ( @vixxgifts)!

2016, timeline

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