Jan 23, 2006 23:17
since sunday evening i had just been on my computer chatting with melissa and writing my letter of purpose for a grad program, then i got distracted and did the trip to chicago and it's fuckin' awesome ya'll. i hope it works out. afterwards around i dunno 3-4am, my friend and i went out to eat and then i went to bed around 5am or so. then i woke up at 7:20am to do a favour for my friend and then ran errands for myself all day. molly had a blast though, she was all over san antonio and loving it. lol so around 1pm i headed to class and started work at 2:30p until 6:30p...time for shopping with my other friend and then she cooked since i did that 8am favour for her...gosh, now i'm tired as hell, but blogging, cause i'm a dork. LOL
i'm waking up at 8am tomorrow. take care and let's hope i don't pass out because i'm exhasusted and can't spell. ;-P
for that grad program, my transcripts are all sent out, i need to hope my letter of recommendations send out the letters, i need to do the application form on line and then submit the 2 essays. i just found out about this great program on saturday and i've been trying my best to do all that is necessary to have it all postdated before jan 31st. i have a wonderful person who is pushing me on this, you know who u are!! ;) it's stressful, i'm only eating every 8-9 hours, i mean today at 4am, the some sorry ass snack at 12pm before i went to class and was the last time i ate and my next meal was at 8:30pm...
so yeah. i haven't seen eating or sleeping and i'm just busy with those personal statements and life in general, keeping up with homework and reading about the manufacutring of cocaine in the period of 1880 to 1902. i have a class on TR solely for the purpose of teaching us about coca and cocaine...interesting, eh? yeah, so is my last name. lol
bye people!!!!!!