Oct 18, 2005 22:07
I like avacados. Pete is growing an avacado plant. I found an almost sprouted avacado seed behind our bookshelf when I was cleaning. What is up with all the random shit in our apartment? The other day Sierra left the back door open with no one home and now our apartment is like Bug City.
I wonder where I'm gonna live in January.
Jason and Mikey visited Thursday night. Liz, Georgia and Ericka came out & we went to Waldos & Firehouse. Mike brought a breathalizer because I had to drive and i was freaking out about it. I blew a .7 before we went to Waldos...I got a parking ticket and they put it on some white car on the street. I'm sure the person will notice "Black 2 door Cougar" and realize that's not their car. hahaha.
Chicago was tight on Saturday night. I wasn't expecting to go but Alfredo called and was like "fk it come over" We partied at some super nice bar that had valet parking, a dance floor and a couple of bars. The people were young/old professionals. Different from frat guys trying to grab ass. I wanna move there. I will never take 80/90 "home" again. The toll booth dude told me it was shorter. I ended up confused with no map. So I asked another toll person when I paied to exit what I needed to do and she was like "get back on the toll road and blah blah blah" I only had $2 left so I had to take the alternate route through some corn fields and past a ski area somewhere where I fortunately found 131.
Next week I have a 2 day test in 1 class. Its the hardest class I've had because the professor expects us to remember accounting, the class I took and had to repeat 3 years ago. We can have 4 pages of notes and I don't think that's gonna help much!
I'm officially going 2 Vegas!!!!