So, this is what is going on and how I truly feel about it!
Where to begin, lets start with the whole Pete drama thing. I heard that many fans are now bitching cause his "naughty" pictures leaked out. How gay is that. I mean, it is so fuckin' retarded how their fans are now turning on them for nothing. I mean, come on, I know for a fact that half of the fan base, always wanted to see his "peter" and that that it got out and on the internet, it's "oh so disgusting", fuckin' please. It is a part of nature and who are we to judge Pete. We don't know him, we just admire him. So, the whole thing is just lame. He is still the best lyric's writer I know, dame great bass player...enough said. Pete is a great person. Let's just get off his case! He is only human, not GOD! I just feel, that people are judging the band and now can't stand them, cause of retarded reason.
It really pisses me off. Damn people. I mean, nothing is ever said at the fact that Joel and Hilary are dating and that started when he was 25 and she was 16, or whatever ages they were (she was still a child to me!) Can you say pedophile? I mean, more power to the loser couple for being in love or whatever, I just disagree with it; and that is just my opinion! So, please don't bite my head off. I just don't see how a celeb can be a pedophile, but if someone normal was people would be like "put that guy/girl away. they are fuckin' disgusting! What the fuck is wrong with their head." It just pisses me off that no one is disgusted by that, but is all disgusted by Pete's Peter. What is the world coming too? I will never know. Well, that is all I got for how. I hope that you people enjoyed reading this little entry of shit. Like, I have said in the beginning, it is just my opinion.
Random Thought
Is it me, or do we judge eachother way to fast in life?
love me,
I am in love with this picture now....I had to share it. We all know where it came from!!!!!!!!!
and this girl is my fuckin' Role Model....Go Alica!