So for the past few days, I've been hearing strange noises. It seems like whichever side of the house I am on, bumping noises come from the other side. I'd chock it all up to hallucinations, which wouldn't be unlikely, but Carly and Tina clearly hear them too, and either perk up their ears or meow annoyedly, respectively. I've mostly shrugged it off.
Today, I was sitting at my laptop, reading about how
the Hartford Courant is slashing its opinion columnists, and heard another one of those strange bumping noises. This time, it was clearly coming from my sister's room. Determined to get to the bottom of this, I picked up my keys and opened her bedroom door... to find this:
I was a little shocked, and spent the next ten minutes alternating between calling my sister a brat (and other names) and squeeing helplessly at the cute.
(My own kitty looks like this:
I, for one, am not looking forward to my father's reaction, when the secret eventually outs, as it obviously will. (She's already quite vocal, especially if you leave off snuggling her. I suspect she was taken from her mother too early, and shall be bringing home formulated kitten food today, because among other things, I'm quite annoyed at my sister for feeding such a wee one full-sized cat food.)
In other news, running a store (even for a few days) is hard. Who knew? (Given, Bossman is doing the real legwork. Still, it's really not easy having m'friend-and-manager gone, aside from the fact that I rather miss him, he's so competent it's scary, and I'm just now realizing that just because he makes it look easy doesn't mean it is.)
Crossposted from Dreamwidth