1) I've made up my mind,
I'm blogging Atlas Shrugged. I'm apprehensive and excited.
2) Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson.
3) Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte.
All things I can't do until the semester is over and/or my workload is done.
...Back to work.
ETA: The paper on the ethics of journalism, by the way, is on
this film, Journeys With George. Whether you like/agree with/respect George Bush or not is quite honestly irrelevant. As our prof pointed out, you'll come out of the video thinking "Wow, he's not such a bad guy," but the important thing is to keep an eye on the reporters here-- and how they are utterly failing to do their job. If you're a Slacktivite, you may remember the recent (ish? the days are all sort of running together for me now, I can't judge any span of time at all) post about Buck Williams and his time with President Fitz-whatever, and the amusing point that it's safe to say anything to Call-Me-Buck, because he never actually reports anything.
You may also remember Fred's Seriously Raised Eyebrow (...or general reaction of WHAT) to Buck's utter lack of ethics in accepting all sorts of free stuff/food/transport from Carpathia.
...Yeah. Definitely watch the film.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth