okay, so this summer, I have decided to spend most of my free time working on a Juliet Burke (LOST)/Calleigh Duquesne (CSI: Miami) fan vid :) I have found video clips of both girls and wtv :)...but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas where I could get more clips for both of them, as most of my Juliet vids are from season 3 (and stop the episode BEFORE the Jacket kiss) and my Calleigh vids are pretty much random moments of random episodes! LMAO I'm also looking for a great song that would "fit" the two...a friend suggested Miss Independant by Kelly Clarkson, but I am more than open to suggestions :)...the vid will be posted here whenever it is finished *please not that I do not own a fancy program LMAO*...soooo yea! suggestions are welcome :)
P.S thx to
coffeecrisp7 for the awesome Juliet/Liz icon, tis love ♥