I took some photos of Dusk and Dawn the other day and realised I havn't updated in forever.
Things are going ok, I passed all of my taught modules for my Masters, mainly 2:1's for everything except I failed one (the tutor wasn't too keen on me). However they passed me in it anyways because all of my other marks were so good :D Bwahaha screw you evil tutor >:).
In regards to my thesis, its coming along ok, half is done and my supervisor thinks its good so far so Im just plodding along with it. Its hard to get motivated when I work all day to and what few days I have off consist of me being piled upto my knees in scientific papers on enrichment, I must have read over 40 by now x.x.
Anyway work is going well, Dusk is going to be a star soon as I get to take him in on the 28th for a talk and let the lil kiddies and interested adults hold him. He's put on some size now and is nearly 3ft so will need a new viv soon. I have yet to work out the details of where to keep him at work away from the smell of small furries and keep him warm, maybe in the office...
The money situation is even worse but hope may soon be on the horizon as Dan has a job interview on Thursday as a teaching assistant so fingers crossed for that!!!
Im going home for a week from the 20-25th as I havnt seen my family since last year. My nan has just had an eye operation for cateracts, as has my mum so I will see how thats getting along (hope its not hereditary :s), also I am very keen to see my rabbits, Miril is quite ill at the momment as unfortunantly she got flystrike, which is usually fatal. However it was caught in time (even though the vet just wanted to put her down because shes 8, lazy sods >:/) and although shes all scabbed up and on a bunch of meds she appears to be recovering well. Lola as always is as michievous as ever and is fine, if missing and jelouse of Miril as she is indoors and getting what she considers "special treatment".
I guess thats about it for the update, not much else has happened.
Now for picture time :D Enjoy!