Feb 09, 2006 19:16
Time is inevidable, you cant escape it. Its all around you, when your at the movies with your family, when your taking a shower, when your sleeping. It what you do with your time that makes it worth while. I try to believe that people have a pourpose, but then o the other hand i believe that some people exist to continue their existance. I mean, lately i have been adding things together. College is suppose to be the time in your life you try to make something of yourself. You go to class so you can graduate, get a good job, make lots of money, and have a happy family. It has come to my attention that most college students believe that college is for drinking. They arent trying to make anything of themselves, they would rather drink and feel good for a bit, than go to class and try to get an education to better themselves. I know i messed up last semester, but i didn't do it so i could drink, I was just lost. I want to go to class so I can make something of myself, so I can grow up and have a happy family and actually use my time on earth well. Everyone has had near death experiences, and for some reason, you have been aloud to take at least one more breath, to live another day, but how many actually stop to question why they were alloud to live one more day? I think that when people are faced with a near death experience, a person that whitnessed it should walk over and whisper in their ear, "Earn It." Prove that you werent put on this earth to take up valuble resorces that other people need in order to survive. Prove that your life was worth saving, because someone may have lost their life to save yours. I believe that too many people take advantage of life, and precious time. Too many people up at college think that they are invincibal, that nothing bad would happen to them. I had a girl tell me the other day that she drank 2 cases of beers and finished off a fifth of vodka in one night. Then she continued to tell me that she was suprised that she didn't have to go to the hospital to have her stomach pumped. She could of very well died just for a little high, but she "knew" she wouldn't. BULLSHIT!!! You have no idea when your time is going to come. What is the point of going to college if you are going to spend your time here in a drunken stooper. Your not doing yourself anygood, and your loosing precious time that could be used for something else that is so much better, like a trip to Niagra Falls with your family or something spectacular like that. College is suppose to be wonderful, but how wonderful is it when you cant remember it because you spent your best nights blacked out.I dont know, to mee its all pointless. My advise is use your time to the best of your ability, dont make excuses, and work your ass off, because it will pay off in the end. Scarecrow is out!