Aug 03, 2003 21:52
1. Name: antonietta
2. Birthday: 3-25-83
3. Age: 20
4. Hair Color: dark fading
5. Eye Color: brown
6. Nationality: 100% italian (sicilian)
7. Sex: Female...even though i feel like a guy for the most part
8. Height: 5'4
9. Weight: none of your fucken business
10. Where were you born?: nyc
11. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?(if you know): giuseppe
12. Brothers or Sisters?: both
13. How many?: 1 sis..and 1 bro
14. Names?: maria(aka metalmassacre13) and giuseppe
15. Who's your favorite?: equal
16. Who's your least favorite?: See above
17. If you're an only you want any brothers or sisters?: n/a
18. Parents/Guardians name?: benedetto & giovanna
19. Who's your favorite?: neither
20. Do you like your family?: rarely
21. If you could, who's parents would you have?(out of your friends):anyone's deceased parents
22. If you could, who's brothers/sisters would you have? anyone's deceased siblings
23. Best friend(s)?: don't believe in that shit...
you mean best aquantinces.......if you feel that i treat you slightly better than the rest....well then you
should know who you are
24. What do you have in common with them(or he/she)?: we're human
25. What do you like to do with them?: Hang know b.s.
26. Most trustworthy: no one
27. Funniest: humanity is everyone is equally funny
28. Dumbest: see above
29. Smartest: eh..iffy...i don't associate myself with stupid people...(stupid only in the sense of IQ) cause we all know intelligent people are just as stupid)
30. Best Laugh: see ques 27
31. Best Smile: anyone whos teeth are still intact
32. Best Eyes: a few
33. Funnest to be with: see ques 27
34. If you woke up one morning and one of your legs were gone...who would you call first?: the
kitchen knife...come here..sharpie sharpie...i'd rather stab myself to death...than be handicapped ........but then again being human is like being handicapped for life
35. Who's the person you talk to most on the phone?: no one
36. Do you have any friends that you have never seen?: justin
37. Who do you see the most?: my cunt...i happen to take a leak..a few times a day
38. Who have you known the longest?: out of the people i'm currently talking to (which varies) tony
39. Who's your worst enemy?: who isn't
40. What don't you like about them?: not enuff room on here
41. Was he/she your friend before?: friendship?..whats that?.....i know not of such things
42. Are they a dumbass?: the question is...who is not a dumb ass
43. Did they do something to you, or do you just not like them cause of their stupidity?: if they are being stupid......that means they did do something....they were being just that...-stupid
in my eyes-boredom is just as big of a crime as actually doing something wrong
Love Life
44. Do you have a crush?: stopped crushing in elementary far as crushing skulls..i get the urge..quite frequently
45. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: its been the same answer for 20yrs straight.....NO!
46. What is their name?: non existing
47. How long have you liked them?: i like no one
48. How long have you been going out?: you long have i hated.........
49. Are you really in to them? or Are you just eh?: why would i go out with someone...cos i was just eh about them...fucking moron........
this is why i don't have a bf.......cos just eh..doesn't cut it.......i never settle for just eh
50. What do you like about them?: obviously nothing...or just eh
51. Do you think you'll last?: no...thats why i choose not to proceed in just eh
52. (for crushes) Do you think they like you?:.......i rather be hated......
53. Do you think you'll ever go out?: don't care
54. Have you gone out in the past?: only flings.....or you can just replace that with just eh
56. Food: italian
57. Music Genre: elite black metal, Black metal, nsbm, death metal, some powermetal, goth/doom
metal, dark ambient, viking metal , darkwave, jazz fusion,classical music,opera,thrash, native
american folk music, classic rock, heavy metal, 80's, new age, atmospheric stuff
58. Band: (just to name a few) : emperor, burzum, darkthrone, mayhem..and yes pussy
59. Solo Artist: varg vikernes
60. Number: 666
61. Letter: F U
62. Word: havoc
63. Swear Word: fuck
64. Song: at the moment : lost transmission from shell beach
65. Day of the week: what day don't i hate
67. Month: October
68. Year:you mean...when i'll be lying six feet under......year 2000 and something
69. Age you were: before i was a zygote
70. Season: Autumn or Winter.
71. Fruit: cherries or strawberries
72. Veggie: Broccoli or mushrooms
73. Ice Cream: chocolate
74. Movie: toughie.....crow
75. Junk Food: most food is junk
76. Cartoon: adult swim or simpsons
77. T.V Show: seinfeild, everybody loves raymond....don't watch much t.v....most of it is garbage
78. Reality Show: real world
79. Celebrity(including musicians and actors/actresses): i don't idolize anyone or thing...esspecially
anything human....
but eh...ihsahn...ywgine malmsteen..jason becker.(i'm a sucker for guitar solos)
This or That
80. Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
81. Punk/Pop: oi! my rectum...that shit sucks ass
82. Rap/RnB: you mean shit vs. contest
you blinging pung nugget
83. Milk/Chocolate Milk: both
84. Computer/Laptop: i want a laptop
85. Nsync/BSB: you mean fags vs fags
86. Green Day/Blink 182: see above
87. Tupac/Eminem: dead nigger vs wannabe nigga
88. Britney/Christina: .02cent hoe vs.02 cent hoe
89. Black/White: Black.
90. Dark/Light: Dark.
91. Blue/Red: the crimson river you'll be shedding after i'm thru with you
92. Pink/Baby-blue: *yuck* you mean nsync vs bsb
93. Short/Tall: Tall.
94. Phone/Instant Messanger: can pretty much buy anyone with words...
95. T.V./Computer: Computer.
96. Movie/T.V.: Movie.
97. Mall/Department Stores: Neither
98. AIM/AOL: Neither.
99. 10/100: 0
100. Internet/Encyclopedia: Internet.
101. Home/School: my toilet bowl...the flushing
thing is so \m/
102. Country/Classical: Classical.
103. New York/California: new york
104. Batman/Superman: mortiis
105. Half Empty/Half Full: just half (<~good one)
106. Day/Night: Night
107. January/June: January.
108. Christmas/Valentines Day: christianity vs mean..............
the down fall of mankind vs the down fall of mankind..toughie *gag*
Have You Ever
109. Drank Alcohol: yes...if i had the would be daily....i mean hourly
110. Smoked: not a smoker but.....occasionally..i will
111. Gotten Drunk: Yes...drunk .......but i'm a hateoholic for the most part
112. Gotten High: last first time...fucken over rated.......rather be drunk
113. Dyed Your Hair: need to...i hate brown roots
114. Kissed the Same Sex: no
115. Thought about Killing yourself: the i just think about killing others
116. Hated yourself: Yes in the the i just hate my life instead......
117. Liked someone way older than you: eh
118. Liked someone way younger than you: No....eww don't go after prepubesants......even though
the ones in my age range share the same maturity level
119. Broken a Bone: no...but i'd like to break yours
120. Had Surgery: no
121. Talked to Strangers: yeah...only b/c i have to
122. Ran Away From Home: close....everyday...but no
123. Did the opposite your parents told you to do/not to do: Always
124. Sang in public: Yes
125. Worn a Dress: Yes
126. Worn a Tie: yes
127. Worn a Suit: not a suit..but "professional" attire for work....slacks and blouses
128. Gotten in to a physical fight: Yes.
129. Hurt someone emotionally: yes....its the greatest feeling in the world
130. Hurt someone physically: Yes...but still not as good...meaningful and satisfying as- see above
131. Made someone cry: yes...whats emotional pain without tears ....
132. Said you loved someone: eh *cough*once*cough
133. Said you hated someone: everyone
134. Talked to a stuffed animal: you mean jebus blinging kryst..stuffed with lies of lands flowing with cocksex *ahem* i mean milk and honey
135. Talked to yourself: yes..always..even when i talk to people...cause for the most part i get the
same thing out of it...actually wait my subconscious has more substance..
136. Driven a car: Yep a few more
137. Danced in public: when i was drunk
138. Danced when no one was looking: Yes in my room
139. Sang when no one was looking: always
Other Questions I Seemed to Forget.
140. Do you believe in Love: doesn't look promising
141. Love at first site?: is something that developes over time...and you usually don't
recognize..till after a while
142. Your Definition of Love: Absolute trust and affection.............being able to
yield yourself to someone...having what you feel reciprocated
a mental connection
an emotional connection
a physical connection
and a soul connection
143. Your definition of a true friend:
doesn't dump you when the next best thing comes along......doesn't stab you in the back...stands by
your side when you're right...even if it means you'll be standing alone with me...this also is included as far as love
144. Your religion: hate
or better known as annism...........
a cross between paganism & satanism
145. Do you go to church: mind is my body my altar
146. Favorite Candy: i'd like to chew on you
147. Are you happy you made it here?: am i happy i'm gonna live to see
148. Are you going to send this on?: i'm not gonna make anyone do anything....i have no use for as you wish
149. Did you enjoy it?: i'm bored..what do you think...
this isn't my idea of enjoyment......however ...watching you get hit by a bus is
150. Time: 10:09 pm..i hate sundays