Jan 24, 2007 13:14
I've been paying a lot attention to other things as of late (and by as of late I mean in the last year) and not nearly enough to this journal. Haha, silly me. So what's been going on? Well, my baby sister learned to crawl, then to walk, my other sister ran away from home to become a hobo. I yelled at my Nana. And I got my job back at EB.
Currently I'm back living in my Dad's old house. Only difference is that he's moved out, and I have the place to myself. I'm all alone D:. He and I are trying to rent the room actually. I hope it works.
On the fun side of things Padfoot and I are making a KH2 doujin. It features Xemnas, Saix, and Roxas from the Organization XIII, and we've named it Sexy Lessons with Unusual Objects, or SL for short. XD We couldn't think of a title so I put some key words through a title generator and this was the one we liked the most. LOL
I've also begun to put some more effort into Itami_ai. I've got nearly all of the members' attention, and we're all excited to finally start! Just three more people need to confirm that they still want to play. Even though the game has been given the go to begin, we're all waiting for the other three members. (Never mind the fact that one of them is Ritsuka, and the other two would make plot building easier, haha) So far we have Soubi, Seimei, Yuiko, Natsuo, and of course Yayoi played by me. I was going to play Natsuo, but I decided to free that character for someone else. Members are an important part of an RPG after all! :D
Lol Anyway, I'm going to go...PM Padfoot on Y!Gallery or something...she's slacking on SL and if she's not careful I might just go and write the sequel! XD Light a fire under your ass man! Mansex wont wait forever!