
Mar 08, 2005 22:53

Ok since i've been telling the story for a few days, i might as well get it on here too. So, Jennifer and I broke up, that's old news, but this is a new chapter. She got my phone cancelled already, not a problem i got a new one. Now, she has taken our breakup and involved as many people as she can. What SHOULD be between her and I, now involves me, her, her parents, my parents, and now the school. She had her mother call Lake Orion High and LIE to them and say that i was supposed to do community service hours with her, AND I DIDN'T SHOW UP. Smart, makes her look like she's the victum. In truth however, she just signed the damn paper. For one, why would she call 3 months later and say i never showed up, AFTER the deadline, and AFTER she signed the paper? SO, she's trying to get me to not graduate. I honestly had NO CLUE that people like this really existed in this world. It just goes to show that you really don't know any one! What's funny though, is how far this is going to go. Im sure Jennifer's mother thinks "I called the school, i screwed over Alex, and that's it." WRONG... I am appealing the form, dragging them to court for her to explain the story(I wonder if she'll lie in front of a judge?), and then asking to redo the hours. Which is NOT a problem at all, I asked my autotech teacher if i could get some hours, and he said my welding was better than his, and he needs some stuff welded. If i was ever confused about Jennifer and I before, i am crystal clear now, and it feels great! One question though, what does she get from this? Especially her mother, what are they gaining from this? Satisfaction? Are they hoping they're going to make me cry or something? HAH! Yeah right... If i dont walk, i dont walk, at least i'll WALK away from this experience knowing 2 people who i never need to talk to again. Nice try.
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