(no subject)

Jun 01, 2013 19:53

Today I went to yoga at the Y.

I have not stepped foot inside the Y since probably sometime in January or early February when I was going to water aerobics with a pregnant friend. I'd been feeling guilty about not using my membership & was thinking of canceling it but if I can make it to yoga once a week, it will be worth it.

I am using a free weightloss site called loseit.com, & I'm trying to make June a month of re-dedication so I've joined a bunch of challenges there in hopes of keeping on track. There's an element of social media to it - if anyone wants to try it out, let me know & I'll friend you. It's difficult because I've been traveling more for work this year, a trend I am not pleased with but there's no other option right now. Hopefully things will pick back up in my department soon so that they can't loan me out. I can & have dieted successfully on the road; it's just a matter of discipline.

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weight loss

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