Fic: Stories Stacked Up So Tall

Feb 17, 2013 20:56

Title: Stories Stacked Up So Tall
Author: vixalicious
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Harry/Liam, Liam/Louis
Warnings: Fluff?
Word count: ~23K
Author's notes: can be found on posting site
Summary: Liam spends his days in a dreary booth selling train tickets and daydreaming about his favorite customer, Harry. When Harry gets assaulted at the station, Liam saves his life and finds that his quiet existence is turned upside down. As Harry languishes in a coma, Liam gets closer with to Harry’s family and to his best mate, Louis. There’s only one problem: everyone thinks Liam is Harry’s boyfriend. To make matters worse, Liam starts to fall for Louis. But how can Liam come clean without losing everything? An AU based on the movie ‘While You Were Sleeping.’
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