someone send a runner through the weather that I'm under for the feeling that I lost today

Sep 22, 2012 00:02

Things I absolutely have to do this weekend:

a. Mail a birthday gift. Well, finish buying the gift, then mailing it.
b. Mail in my passport renewal. Countdown to work trying to send me somewhere fabulous & me having to say no in 3, 2, 1...
c. Work. I hate to do it, but I am training our new product on Monday and I'm not prepared. I'm half-prepared, which is better than nothing at all.
d. Go to the birthday party of a complete stranger. The things I do for my friends, sigh.
e. Pack. That won't take long though.

I fly to Chicago on Sunday. I'll be in the city, and at a nice hotel, but I'm expecting work to wipe me out so much that I won't have much time to enjoy the city. I'll be onsite with a colleague, but one I haven't worked with before, so that's a bit stressful. He wants us to go to dinner on Monday and I've said yes which I don't normally do but I thought, hey, make an effort. So really I'll barely be there at all before I'm flying back on Tuesday night.

In other big news, my tenant/roommate/whatever you call it when someone rents a room in your house is moving out. She got a new job in Boston, and is leaving at the end of the month. The money was very nice, but I am looking forward to having the house to myself again. I am already mentally planning the deep clean/rearranging that I want to do. I am going to move my craft stuff upstairs to what was formerly the packing room and is now the guest room, since the guest room stuff can go back into her room. I have almost two months between her moving out and my family coming to visit for Thanksgiving and I am betting that it will take me every second of that to get things in order.

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adventures in home-owning, to-do

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