Twitter: Mostly me just moaning about my life and posting (what I think are) funny asides. Not really a fandom place for me, but I respond to fandom stuff. Read as: it links to my facebook, which is almost all IRL folk. So my status updates are not fandom, but I have fandom conversations there. Also, I'm still not over that one time Patrick Stump DM'd me. Dying.
Tumblr: I have very few followers on tumblr, and I'm trying to up that. It is mostly me reblogging things I like, which generally are either political, science, funny, or One Direction. I just figured out last week how to post to tumblr without sending it to twitter, so it's becoming more fandomish. I am loving
this post, and I keep looking at
1D with babies, which is ovary-explosion inducing.
However, I've also started blogging there as well. I am addicted to Pinterest. I love crafting. The two have combined to me blogging about trying out stuff I've found on Pinterest. So far, I've done turning a t-shirt into a tank top, making a really awesome vodka slush drink, and duck-shaped baby washcloths. It's a ton of fun, and so I just wanted to share it with you.
ETA: Also, I'm over here on Pinterest:
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