I'm Going Through Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaanges.*

Aug 18, 2012 00:04

I am declaring tomorrow Anti-Procrastination Day!  I'm going to do some of the things I've been putting off:

a) Put my new license plate on.
b) Sweep up all the damn cat hair and mop.
c) Put away all the random crap I've left in the living room.
d) Backup personal computer and clean it so I can take it to Best Buy and get the screen fixed without them making judge-y remarks about it being dirty like they did last time.
d) Go buy laundry detergent so I can do laundry.
e) Start laundry.

That last one might not happen, as tomorrow night is my birthday karaoke party!  So excite!

This week has been sort of a non-entity for me.  My BFF called last night, and when I went to tell her what I'd been up to since we talked last week, it was basically, "Er. I played tennis one night."  That's okay though - it's been a hectic summer and I needed to veg a bit.  Plus between this weekend and Dragon*Con coming up weekend after next, it'll be good to have some rest.

And if I'm going to get anything done tomorrow, I suppose I should go to bed soon.

*Lest you think this is apropos of something, it's not.  I'm just going back to my 'song lyrics that's on the radio as journal title' phase.

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/510462.html. That entry currently has

to-do, useless information

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