this tumblr post is my happy place right now, so I'm going to ramble on about it because the downfall of tumblr is that you CAN'T CHAT about things.
Let's go through them one at a time, shall we?
The first two, you have to realize, this is their stage show. They are legitimately making money going on stage and doing this. Aren't you meant to be singing, boys? I also love Niall in the background, clearly clearly staying the hell out of it all.
The third one proves that having a cake fight on stage is a BAD IDEA. Most people don't have to be told that, but live and learn, I guess.
The fourth one, with the beach ball, I totally understand. I would do that. Perhaps not aimed toward the speakers and the edge of the stage, and not with a microphone in my hand, but it's a big rolly ball. Who gave them that and thought this wouldn't happen?
AHAHAHAHAHA. The trash can lid. Please tell me there's video of this somewhere!!! I can't stop giggling.
I bet Liam felt really, really bad about that one. Clearly, like cats, they need to be belled.
Oh, Louis. a) You know he did that entirely on purpose, and b) I love that Liam is still totally shocked by that.
Look, Harry fell down AGAIN. Defeated by balloons, sad day.
I just realized that whenever Louis falls, I always assume it was on purpose. Like, he doesn't seem clutzy to me at all. Silly, yes. Maybe it's just that he's done enough to know not to try to brace himself in any way. Sadly my main thought on this one is WHAT IS THIS INTERVIEW AND WHY HAVEN'T I SEEN IT? I'll send you postcards from the dark side, where I clearly already am.
Ah, the What Makes You Beautiful video. So much flail!
My favorite thing about Liam falling in the fake snow is that Louis clearly sees him fall, and goes, "Oh, fun!"
And that's what I have to say about that.
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