You can only blame your problems on the world for so long, 'fore it all becomes the same old song.

Jun 18, 2012 21:37

Well, today sucked.

To start off, I made a poor plan for arriving at this hotel.  It was a good plan when I made it.  I booked a 10pm flight two weeks, knowing that this would get me to the hotel between 12:30 and 1 AM, because I knew I'd need to be available on my tennis team roster.  We generally play from noon to 6 or 7pm, depending on which line, and I wanted to have plenty of time to get home and get cleaned up.  So it was a good plan, but then we moved the match up (yay! earlier = less hot, which is always a good thing in Atlanta in the summer) so then I had a whole day in between.  So I could have gotten in at a decent time, but I had no way of knowing that two weeks ago, and since I've lost status on Delta, I can't change flights same day anymore without paying a whopping amount of fees out of my own pocket.

Then when I got here, I realized that I left my prescription Pepcid at home.  So after my five hours of sleep, I woke up with the now unmistakable feeling of having had acid reflux in the night.  Sorry, gross, I know.  I never noticed that that's what was happening before, but now I can tell.

All of this before I even get to work, which then started off with a bang.  Suffice it to say that the client is not happy, and my chances of making them happy are slim.  So stress all day long, and now I seem to have heartburn?  Or an ulcer, idk.  Then my kidneys started hurting and I thought I might be getting a UTI, which.  Awesome.  I did dehydrate over the weekend, so it's entirely possible.

Then I went to dinner, and my site this week features two of my all-time least favorite things:  
1) Conference dining!  Because the chance to sit at a table with complete strangers is fun!  
2) Buffet as the ONLY choice.  Buffets are a dieting nightmare - so easy to go overboard, and you end up eating bizarre combinations of food.  For example, tonight for dinner I had Swedish meatballs and a pretzel covered jalapeno popper.  Bwuh?

To top it off, all day my email was popping up autoreminders for me of stuff I needed to do, but didn't have time for.  Like the $3K worth of expense reports I needed to figure out and submit so I can get my money back.

I've gotten a handle on the stress now, I think - I went to Walmart and bought OTC Pepcid which looks like what the doctor gave me, just without the insurance coverage, but whatever, it was $5 for 8 pills, which will cover me til I get home.  I got all my expense reports submitted and reconciled, and tomorrow I'll need to find time to send in the receipts but whatever.  My kidneys feel less like they're going to fall out, so maybe that was just panic?  IDK.

I really wanted to write tonight, but I think whatever creativity I might have had in me has been squashed today.  *sigh*  I was really hoping for an easy week, but it is not going to happen.  
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work woes, under the weather, the state of me, tmi

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