A Week in the Life: Wednesday

Apr 13, 2012 00:29

Sorry I missed out on posting yesterday - I had trouble getting my phone to sync the photos up.

Anyway, you didn't miss much :)

I tried on some dresses.

This is the one I am most likely going to wear to my friend's wedding in Hilton Head. Please keep in mind I had not done my hair and have no makeup on:

I had thought this one might be an option for the wedding, but instead of a fancy dress, it's t-shirt material.

These are the same dress, in different colors. I just pulled the drawstring on one of them. I think I'm going to keep the orange one, but feel free to chime in.

The orange one is not as bright as it looks in that photo.

Then I basically worked all day. It was dull and nothing that I haven't already posted. I went outside once. This is my street.

And my house.

And then later my roommate & I went to the farmer's market, because I wanted to get figs for a pizza for this weekend's bridal shower. They had no figs.

Oh, and no Instagram filter for today because it kept cutting off the pictures in odd places.

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/500607.html. That entry currently has

meme, click!

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