Call me Mr. Benzedrine...

Dec 05, 2011 00:45

How do the weekends go so quickly?

Today was a nice day - got up and met J & S for lunch, then we went to see Immortals. Their choice, not mine. It was as crap as it looks from the trailers, but hey, there were a lot of three-quarters naked men running around in short skirts so that's something. Then I did a bit of Christmas shopping and came home, then spent the rest of the evening working on my craft project. \o/

Last night while I was crafting, I was catching up on my hulu queue. Is anyone else watching American Horror Story? Ok, so I have a big problem with this last episode, in terms of plot. In the Halloween episode, Zachary Quinto's character, Chad, was sitting in the kitchen when the Rubber Suit man came in, and he thought it was his partner in costume. His response was super relaxed, like it was the funniest thing, and he said, "I like it, it's scary. But sexy scary."

Fast forward to the last episode, where we see more of Chad & Pat's troubled last months. Turns out Chad bought the suit as a way of trying to spice up their sex life, then they had a giant, horrible screaming fight that ended with Chad in tears. The juxtaposition here is completely throwing me out of the story - it makes me feel like they forgot about the previous episode. I dunno, it's just been bothering me all day.

Anyway, I am now all caught up on Grimm, Suburgatory, & American Horror Story. I still have two episodes of Castle to watch, and four of Once Upon a Time. And pretty much all of season 7 of Supernatural - I think I watched the first episode.

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craft-y goodness, moving pictures, it's not a tweet, i don't watch reality tv

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