Worn out!

Aug 18, 2011 23:12

Today I have mowed the lawn and then assembled 90% of this IKEA bookcase all by myself. I can't get the side and the bottom on, though, that will have to wait til Scott comes over on Sunday. Also, I almost broke it, but I think I salvaged the panel that I messed up, and only one dowel pin lost its life.

It has been a busy week for me as I am trying to finish up a lot of projects that have been in the works for months now, in order to con my tenant into thinking I'm not a total slob. Over the weekend, I moved my drum kit down to the rec room and vacuumed the packing room. Then on Sunday, I met Scott for brunch and a day of errands. This was my birthday present (early) from him - a day of helping me get some of the larger purchases I needed to make home in his SUV. We started at the furniture store where I bought this chaise lounger. Unfortunately they didn't have it in stock, so we will be going back next Sunday to get that. Then we went to IKEA and got the aforementioned bookcase along with this this bookcase. Yes, they are the same, but in different sizes and colors.

We brought them home and unloaded them, then Scott helped me move the bed from the guestroom to the packing room, which I will now have to start calling the guestroom. Then that night I put together the small bookcase. I got it together on my own, but I can't move it to the right spot so that is on the list for Sunday as well. In the meantime, NOTHING IS IN THE RIGHT PLACE AND MY HOUSE IS OUT OF ORDER.

*sigh* Someday I will learn to clean without first making a bigger mess, but that day is not yet here.

I'm also feeling the need to make a master to-do list, so feel free to ignore the next section.

Fri Aug 19: Print out mailing label, print out BBQ ticket, clean off desk. Call Highland Bakery.
Sat Aug 20: Mail back Zappos shoes, take dry cleaning, get hair done, BB&B for fabric cubes, BBQ.
Sun Aug 21: Pick up chair, finish and place bookcases. Organize living room. Clean windows in tenant bedroom. Make sure everything is off the floor in tenant room, my room, and off the coffee table for rug cleaning.
Mon Aug 22: Carpet cleaners are coming, tennis, wash laundry curtains, clean laundry area, put curtains back up.
Tue Aug 23: For the love of God, put out the recycling before it eats you out of house and home!
Wed Aug 24: Move everything office-related from rec room back to office. Finish 2006 photo album*. *Well, it's done, but not put in the album, had to order posts.
Thu Aug 25: Hang pictures in hall way; dust other pictures in hallway. I'm sure other things will come up. ETA: Other things: Wash bedroom curtains, baseboards, put stuff back in bedroom from guestroom, tidy guestroom
Fri Aug 26: Appointments all day, pick up dry cleaning, Happy Birthday to me!
Sat Aug 27: Pickup cupcakes, ETA: get plant for porch, check BB&B for more cubes, karaoke birthday party!!!
Sun Aug 28: Clean tenant bathroom, remove all linens, towels, etc. Clean out refrigerator, take out trash. ETA: Weed-eat lawn, spray weed-killer

And all that before Labor Day weekend and all the Dragon*Con madness!

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/490340.html. That entry currently has

adventures in home-owning, it's not a tweet, to-do

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