
Jun 09, 2011 13:37

I've been a bit quiet lately, sorry. Not much going on at chez moi. Sunday, I played tennis for six hours in 95 degree heat. We won! Thank God, because all that pain and effort for nothing would have been heartbreaking (sorry, other team) - only four hours of it was match, the other two were warm up that I foolishly thought I'd need. Oops.

The rest of the week I've been working (frustrating) and scrapbooking (fun!) I've been in a crafty mood lately, I think because I'm done with painting the office.

Speaking of, I've been thinking about the re-decorating, and finances, and a lot of things in that vein, and I really need to get a better handle on budgeting. I have several things I need to be saving for, including two vacations later this year (one to DC, one to the Bahamas!) and I need to get ahead of the game. I'm going to have to tighten the purse strings and actually save some money. Sigh. I had paid off my credit cards, and then this month I put about $600 on them. I lose.

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/485327.html. That entry currently has

the state of me

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