
May 25, 2011 23:49

So I just realized twittinesis is down and not posting tweets. I'm trying to switch back to LoudTwitter, but it's not working so far. I'm still alive though :) You haven't missed much:

  • I've been painting the office again and again - it's finally done.
  • I went to see some local musicians do covers of The Kinks' Lola vs Powerman album on Sunday.
  • My tennis tournament is done; our last opponents canceled on us at the last minute. We came in third in our division with a record of 5-1, but I think we'll still make the playoffs because of the small number of teams in the league.
  • I mowed the lawn today and weed-ate my leg a little.
  • I am starving. Starving! But I'm trying to eat less :( Food, why so good?

And that's about it.

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/484499.html. That entry currently has

love:love, adventures in home-owning, stupid shit wot i have done, the state of me

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