My Chemical FUCKING Romance

May 12, 2011 01:24

My favorite band in my favorite venue. I was so, so scared it wouldn't live up to my expectations.


I had such an amazing, amazing time. Like, I can't even tell you about it, it was so good. I can't explain it. We had great seats, on the first balcony so we were as the crow flies maybe 25 feet away from the stage. I swear Gerard made eye contact with me at one point (yes, I'm delusional, leave me alone.)

I'm shitty at set lists - they opened with Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na), they did Mama, I'm Not Okay, Teenager, Welcome to the Black Parade. They closed with Helena, and then came back for an encore and did the Gravity song off the new album (I can't remember its actual name but it's the one that starts out with "Graaaaaaaaaaaaavity"). Oh, and they did the Life on the Murder scene song (which I think is actually called You Know What they Do to Guys Like Us in Prison).*** They did Planetary GO, I jumped around like a mad thing.

I am bad with song titles. I can know all the words to a song and not know its real name. It's a talent.

In conclusion, AMAZING.

Oh, and I went with a friend (which is noteworthy in itself, usually I have to go alone), and she is now TOTALLY ENAMORED. Mikeyway strikes again. :D I just sent her this email. Some of you will recognize this from 2007!Me:

Gerard & Mikey Way
The hot lesbian sisters picture:


Mikey Way and his hot wife, with their cat whose actualfax name is Bunny Marie (DO NOT ASK WHY I KNOW THIS)

and yeah, ok, she's basically as skinny as he is:

One of my fave Mikey pics, love the tshirt:

And then there's GWay (Gerard) and his wife Lyn-Z,

who also went to art school, as evidenced here:

and here

That is their baby, who they named Bandit.

I'm not kidding.

Grade school will be difficult for her.

And Frank, who was kind of in the corner tonight, who I had a massive crush on when he looked like this:

I have a type, what can I say.

This is him looking sleazy, but with that tattoo of his granddad I was telling you about

And now I will go to bed. :D

ETA:**** No it's not. It's "Give 'Em Hell Kid." It just came on my ipod.

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it's not a tweet, bandom (that's right i said it - bandom), come on feel the noise

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