
Feb 15, 2011 21:45

So this weekend I had these grand plans of re-doing the wire shelving in my bedroom and bathroom closets. Why are such simple projects never actually simple? Why do the people at Lowe's and Home Depot never actually helpful? Anyway, now my house is a mess and I haven't had the time/energy to go get the things I need to fix them. The shelf I had cut for the closet is a quarter-inch too long, which was frustrating - I got soooo close to getting it put up, but then was DENIED. And then I realized that the shelving I bought for the bathroom is narrower, and wouldn't fit the clips I had bought. Sigh.

It's all led to this feeling of frustration over not being able to actually finish things, which bizarrely makes me want to sit and do nothing.

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adventures in home-owning, diy, useless information

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