
Feb 09, 2011 21:52

Thing #1:
Four years ago, I bought a house. Some days I'm happier about that than others, but my mother said something to me at Thanksgiving that touched me. She said, "You've really made a home here." And I have, in a lot of ways. I just can't believe it's been four years already.

Thing #2:
Weight loss! I am down 7 pounds since January 1! I am posting about this on my weight-loss journal if you'd like to follow along. It is here. Mostly I am just trying to eat right and exercise more. Such an ingenious approach, I know! I have started going to hot yoga classes, which has been fun. Last night I hurt my bicep trying to do something that I'm sure has a fancy name, but in my mind is called "Flailing Turtle" as that is what I looked like trying to do it.

Thing #3:
In fannish news, I have fallen head-first into Star Trek reboot fanfic. There is soooo much of it, and it's all science-y with added telepathy and I am hooked. I have started watching the original series on, and OMG. OMG. OMG. They are so unintentionally hilarious! The outfits with obvious sparkly rick-rack trim! The episode called Spock's Brain, where hottie aliens steal Spock's Brain! Featuring robot Leonard Nimoy. It is awesome times. Also, there was just a character on the episode of Castle that I just watched whose first name was Vulcan. Is that an acceptable first name now?

Thing #4:
Which has led to my next "thing," which is that now I have a giant crush on Zachary Quinto, who played Spock. So now I'm watching Heroes just to see him with non-Vulcan eyebrows. It's not bad, but if you aren't into comics, I can see why it wouldn't work for you. After that, I'm probably going to watch the season of '24' he's in. '24', people! I hate that show, and yet I will watch it. My love, it is pure. :)

And that's what's new with me!

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adventures in home-owning, it's not a tweet, geek!, the state of me, useless information

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