!Thirty Days of Meme: Day 27

Jan 01, 2011 02:45

Day 27: This month, in great detail

Last day!!! Whoo, I did it!!!!

December 31:
I dragged myself out of bed this morning, really stayed up too late last night ugh. I drove up to the perimeter mall area to go to the Best Buy that had the stereo for the car. They couldn't install it until Tuesday, so I went ahead and bought it, and then drove down to the Best Buy that's closer to my house to see if they could install it. They couldn't do it today, but they can tomorrow, so I have a noon appointment for that. Hope I don't have a bad hangover! :)

Then I had lunch, and noticed that the mattress store across the street was having a sale. I have had "Get a new mattress" on my Should-Do list for a couple of years now, so I went over. Two hours later, I am the proud (?) owner of a new mattress set. I spent a bit more than I intended to (it was an $1900 mattress that I got for $1400), but it has a 15 year warranty, and I have two years to pay for it. And they gave me two free Tempur-pedic pillows, whee! Then I rushed to finish my errands so I could go home and get the bedrooms ready for delivery, as that was the reason for the sale - it had to be delivered today so that it's out of their warehouse before they inventory for the new year for tax purposes.

I thought I might get the delivery for free because they were guaranteed to be here by 7 and I hadn't heard from them at all, but then they called at 20 past 6, and then they were here and had the old mattress moved, the box springs shifted over to my guestroom, the other box springs out and everything cleaned up in less than 15 minutes.

Then I got cleaned up and went to a friend's party for NYE - lots of fun, drinks, dancing, laughing, and sparklers outside at midnight. It was so warm tonight! And now I am home, and getting ready for my first night on the new bed. We shall see how it goes!

Day 28: This year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles your fancy

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/456156.html. That entry currently has

it's not a tweet, meme, retail therapy, 30 days

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