Election Results

Nov 03, 2010 13:28

So... last night, my state decided to elect a man who is a hair's-breadth away from bankruptcy and who left Washington under threat of investigation for ethical violations. Awesome. (ETA: He's our new governor.)

We also voted on 5 state constitutional amendments, only two of which were worded to show what was truly being proposed. One of those was a $10 increase on car registration which was meant to go directly to build trauma centers in Georgia. Yeah, that failed. Because apparently America is allergic to all health care.

I'm not really surprised by any of the results in the elected offices. I live in a conservative state. Most people in Georgia identify either as Republican or Libertarian. We had mostly Republican politicians before yesterday, and we have mostly Republican politicians today. I am happy that our two strongest Democratic US Representatives both got re-elected in landslides.

I've been thinking a lot about my own political beliefs lately, since Jon Stewart's Rally for Sanity. I'm not sure I'm still sane about this. I don't understand why people are on the other side. I mean, I get it intellectually.

If you or your spouse is in the military, I get why you vote Republican: they're never gonna cut your job.
If you are a religious fundamentalist, I get why you vote Republican: pro-life, and they will accept your crazy as long as it comes with a donation.

The rest of them? I'm not sure. Financially conservative? Okay, I get that. But how has the Republican party done anything but give you lip service as they blew through a budget surplus and embroiled us in expensive wars? Wanting a slimmed-down government? Again, I know this is something they say they stand for, but when have they ever voted that way?

I think it may boil down to two things:

1) Your party isn't perfect, but you think they're better than the other guys. I could maybe understand that - trust me, I am not super thrilled with all the Democrats right now. So maybe you have one hot-button issue and you're sticking by them for that.

2) You're listening to the news media (Fox AND CNN - CNN is just as bad, just in another direction) instead of seeking out more impartial sources of news.

I don't know. Any thoughts, flist?

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it's not a tweet, left-wing liberal nutjob

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