A free day..

Feb 07, 2010 14:03

So today I seem to be doing.... naaaaaaaaaathing.

I am ok with this. So far I have slept in til noon (for certain values of sleeping in. Thanks, cat.), caught up on facebook and LJ, tried to reload my customized mood theme only to realize I didn't save the files, downloaded a ton of mood themes from frostianmoods, and now I'm trying to figure out how to host them on photobucket.

My plans for later in the day include:

*possibly going to Pike's to try to find a plant that isn't toxic to cats. I keep buying them, then bringing them home and finding out they could kill Cinnamon if she eats it. I am growing some herbs from seeds though; we'll see how that goes. It was a kit with chives, basil and parsley. I am most excited about the parsley, and of course that's the one that isn't growing so far.

*get a salad from the Mexican place I like.

*grocery shopping. I'm planning to go late in the day, so that everyone else will be watching the Super Bowl.

Aaaaaaand that's about it. I have to figure out how many moodthemes I can have on my hosting site for free.

crazy cat lady, it's not a tweet, geek!, the state of me

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