
Jan 05, 2010 17:49

Today I have:

  • Gone to the doctor about my carpal tunnel. Now have RX strength Aleve (to bring me up to "theraputic levels" of anti-inflammatories) and the option to do more physical therapy if I feel I need it.
  • Had Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast! I deserved it for getting up so early, and the "Hot & Fresh" sign was on.
  • Walked for an hour.
  • Did laundry.
  • Got my prescription filled.
  • Set up my Wii Fit, failed to balance. Apparently it's a miracle I don't fall down constantly.
  • Folded laundry.

Note the lack of actual working? It's been one of those days where everything's at a standstill and the deadline is looming, and there's nothing I can do. Am considering starting to organize the mess in my second bedroom.

Also, I need to redo my mood theme... I never switched it over after I deleted my Geocities account. Laaaaaaaaazy.

work woes, it's not a tweet, geek!, medical, wii

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