
Nov 08, 2009 16:56

Today I have:

  • aired out the house.
  • assembled my new TV stand, even though they forgot to drill two of the holes at the factory.
  • mopped the entire downstairs (except my office, which is still a disaster zone.)
  • had a heart attack when I realized Cinnamon managed to get outside during the airing out process. EEEP. I am a bad cat mommy.
  • made broccoli raisin salad & regular salad for lunch & dinner this week. I am going to get back on track.
  • tried on all the hiking shoes I ordered and realized that the ones I ordered first that I thought didn't fit, really do.
  • vacuumed.
  • took the trash out.

And now I'm waiting on K to get here (he had to work today, poor guy) so we can go to a movie. \o/ Yay, productive day! Which makes up for yesterday, during which I did nothing.

in a relationship, adventures in home-owning, crazy cat lady, betty crocker i ain't, retail therapy, the state of me

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