
Sep 03, 2008 02:58

... was pretty awesome!

Saturday, we got up in time to enjoy the parade (tons of pics on my facebook, I'll link below). After that, we went to the big Torchwood panel that had Gareth David Lloyd (I think I got all that in the right order) and James Marsters (SPIKE!!!). It was awesome, and padawanhilary very bravely got up and asked a great question in front of a whole bunch of people. I recorded it badly and it's here

And then marny_h96 graciously accompanied me to the Umbrella Academy panel, to protect me from all the comic book geeks. I had read issues 1-3 before the panel but had to stop because I couldn't find issue 4. People, this comic book is so good! I've never been a comics person before, except for when I was a kid and we'd buy, like, Archie, at the grocery store. So we went to the panel, and sat behind a bunch of college kids who were talking about how lame it was that people liked the comic because of MCR and how they were real comic fans, and then proceeded to talk about things about the band that no "casual" MCR fan would know. I didn't giggle out loud at them, but it was a close thing! *giant eyeroll of doom, superfans*

The panel was with Scott Allie, who is the editor - and coincidentally was on the panel last year that I loved about the ethics of portraying apocalyptic themes in the media. He opened the panel by saying something along the lines of, "You've probably all heard the rumors that Gerard is here. He is. Unfortunately, he had something scheduled and couldn't come to the panel. So if you want to leave now, my feelings won't be hurt."

There were only 25 or so people in the room and none of them moved. (A few people left later on, but that happens in every panel.) I have to say I probably enjoyed this panel the most out of everything I did at the con, from a sheer 'this is so interesting' level.

I even had a question, but I didn't want to look stupid, so I didn't ask it. Then I couldn't stand it anymore, so I ran back in after so I could ask, because it really was a question pertaining to the editing process. So I came back in and stood in the line of people wanting to get Scott's picture and autograph, and despite the growing feeling of 'this guy is too important to ask this stupid question to' I stood my ground. Yeah, turns out he's a senior editor at Dark Horse, and he edits Hellboy and Buffy, which hey, maybe I don't know much about comics, but I know enough about fandom to know that's a big deal. He was really sweet about it - I was asking about why they chose to use French in one portion of the comic, but not in another, when in both places the characters would have been speaking French, and his answer was that it had to do with comprehension. In the first scene, both characters spoke the same language (French) so they wanted to show that there was a level of comprehension there and used English. In the second scene, where the kiddie superheroes, who speak English, are busting in on the bad guy, zombie Gustav Eiffel (yes, one of the bad guys is a zombie version of the builder of the Eiffel Tower \o/), he speaks French, and they wanted to show that there was a confusion and lack of comprehension there. So yeah, awesome.

We also went to a Supernatural panel. Yay, show! It was fun to go to a panel where I was absolutely confident in my ability to discuss any aspect of it. And I got shouty with the best of them :D We are a fandom of loud people, apparently.

On Sunday, I was a woman on a mission. See, at the Umbrella Academy panel, they'd said that Gerard really wanted to do the panel and was bummed that he couldn't make it, so they were going to try to set up a Q&A with him for the next day. So I got up early and checked with the info people, who knew nothing about it but suggested I go over and ask the people running that track, so I hiked uphill to the Hyatt. No one there knew either, so I kept checking back all day, and checking the updates. I even went back over and checked with the people at the track around 5, but no one knew anything, so I resigned myself to the fact that it wasn't happening.

Then when we got back to the room at around six, I checked online and there it was - it had happened at 2:30! I was sooo bummed! And a little pissed, because I'd checked right before then and there was nothing. The girls took me out to dinner, and tried to cheer me up by getting me drunk. As plans go, it was a pretty good one. We continued implementing it back at the hotel, and they were kind enough to let me shove bandom at them, even though none of them have an interest at all. It went something like this: "But they're such complete DORKS! They're faily and earnest and giant geeks! Let me show you videos! Let me show you Bob - Bob is hot! Let me show you how much Gerard wants a hamster, so much he needs subtitles to express his sheer glee!"

I don't think anyone was convinced, but it made me happy :D

Monday, Hillary had to go home *sadface* and the con was winding down. We wandered around the shopping and I bought things I don't need (geek haul for the entire con: the entire 6 issue run of Umbrella Academy, 2 Umbrella Academy patches, 1 Supernatural t-shirt that I plan to convert to a tank top somehow, and this really awesome print of devil skeletons doing the See No Evil thing). Then Marny and I went to Oakland Cemetary, because she is into Civil War stuff, and I love that cemetary and always want to show it to anyone who visits Atlanta.

We rounded off the weekend with Chinese takeout and Season One of Supernatural at my house, which is slowly being taken over by gigantic scary spiders, eek. Fun, fun weekend!

Also, today I found out that Gerard didn't make it to the panel either, so I am considerably less bummed! I am apparently selfish enough to be happy that if I didn't get to see him, no one did. Apparently his wife's band's tour bus broke down and he couldn't make it back in time.

Also also, I think I've developed some sort of thing for fake tattoos.

Pictures are here.

stupid shit wot i have done, geek!, retail therapy, the state of me, admitted francophile, vacation, bandom (that's right i said it - bandom), i don't watch reality tv, click!

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