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greenjack1533 November 10 2010, 21:22:26 UTC
Enforcement is always easy isn't it?

We just make the law and tell people they have to follow it. Look how smoothly Alcohol Prohibition went in the United States. A Clear Majority of Americans were for it otherwise it would not have made it as a constitutional amendment. Much like Marijuana use in modern day America. Except for Medical purposes it is an illegal drug in all fifty states and the clear majority of people support it being illegal. Hence no sizable problems with Marijuana use either.

Who does the judging?

Easy enough we just put together a board of talented scientists and bureaucrats who agree with the dominant political viewpoints to establish objective criteria. Only people who pass a health examination and an examination for proper politics will be allowed to breed. Permanent Sterilization is a simple enough medical procedure for those that are unfit medically, and implantable chemical sterilization can be used on the rest until they demonstrate proper political philosophy and wish to engage in reproduction. Doing it this way assures that their are no unwanted pregnancies since the default state is sterile.

People change once they have children?

One of the most common truisms of psychology and advertising is that past late childhood and early adulthood people do not change. Viewpoints, preferences and associations are statistically stable after this period. To wit the default state is that people do not change. The small minority of people whom would become worthy of being a Parent, after they have a child, will be more then offset by the good created by having no unwanted pregnancies or unfit parents.

Isn't it worthwhile to impinge upon individual rights for the greater good? Surely we can justify any action with the statement: "Think of the Children."

Now stepping off that slippery slope for a second. What if the government offered free temporary or permanent sterilization to anyone requesting it? Would be see a decrease in abortion and unwanted pregnancy rates?

Now aside from the fact that this would be socialized medicine, and therefor obviously communistic and Anti-American, why would it be a bad idea?


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