We all need a little sun - let's make our own.

Mar 03, 2009 13:00

This winter has been going on forEVer. At least it feels that way. If you live in certain parts of the country, the snow and cold have reached utterly ridiculous proportions, and metaphorically, the cold and worry of the economic crisis have us all chilled to the bones.

So, in a somewhat uncharacteristic moment of...something, I'm proposing we make our own sunshine.

Let's take a moment to do or say something nice for one or more of our friends. You could:

write someone a REAL letter. As my new icon says, letters are love. I don't know anyone who doesn't cherish getting a card, a letter or a postcard in the mail. Send someone a letter today!

~ post someone's name here and say something nice about him/her. I will leave this post unlocked, so you can feel free to name anyone you like. (If that person isn't on my flist, however, you'll want to point him/her here).

~ send someone an anonymous bouquet of eflowers. Virtual sunshine and flowers are good, too.

~ post something funny, nice, or heartwarming on your journal. Spread the virtual sunshine.

~ make a donation to a charity in a friend's name, or send your friend a charity gift card so s/he can a donation to a favorite cause.

~ bake someone cookies

~ call an old friend just to say "hello"

Spring is almost here, people. Let's make it happen a little sooner.

when did i turn into pollyana

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