Feb 17, 2009 13:23
[The video feed turns on showing Subaru staring out a window, almost forlornly. He doesn't realize the PCD is on or else he wouldn't look so...solemn. In the natural darkness of the room, his eyes stand out the most, yellow and hungry. He hadn't eaten much since his awakening back in Tokyo and it was starting to catch up to him. Especially the headache that was forming rather viciously.
He continues to stare out the window, at nothing particular, but there is something on the wind that has his attention...] His scent... I suppose the influx of people have covered it up almost completely by now. [He states to himself softly. Small sigh.]
[ooc: derp. matt's lag virus will make subaru's replies slow 8|]
influx of arrivals,
event: people