Apr 11, 2004 13:19
One day, Tony decided he needed new friends. 'Hey,' he said.
'Hi', responded Hermann Klapper, while adelaida tried to make a booking for size compariosn ifhusb. Lauri Pursel came by, telling everyone to get all their medicine online!
Tony looked at her, and responded with 'Hey'.
A few minutes later, rx-quick from meddsmail delivered medication to Tony's doorstop, and Martina McManus commented on the country angle kqmbas.
Tony grinned at her, and said 'Hey'.
Bryan deporter, meanwhile, tried to insist that he could do a much better job at doing the deliveries for Tony.
Tony, not put off, said 'Hello'.
The next day, even though he'd gotten no response, he tried again. 'Hello.'
Mister Cjidccjgdd commented on the export quality of packeging materials, and Alex replied very quiety. Micah Womack, in the meantime, tried to convince an (unknown) to Enl-arge yo'ur^pe_n*i"s" today, and Alex once again replied quietly.
Jarrod wanted to know if he would be there, and Miranda McCord, a relative of Martina McManus, tried to sell Online drugs.
Finally, Felix Turlich of the Dl Doctor Network and Slyvester Spagnolo asked; 'How are you today?' to which Falin Hutson said, 'Re:'.