(no subject)

Oct 20, 2008 18:27

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. What an amazing person you are and how much you mean to me.
I know what its like to be so low. To hate yourself. To look at yourself and think Why am I such a horrible person, and in the end really pass off the things I do. I'm just like you Nat. We all have our ups and our downs and if your going through a down right now stick through it. Eventually everything works itself out. Eventually we grow stronger, and maybe even wiser. I don't know much about life so I can't give you advice. I can't judge anything you do, because I've done worse. I just want you to know Natalie Evaro that you are my best friend. You are my Braah. You are my Brady and above all you are my soulmate. And a few days with out talking, a few days without phone calls. A few months without seeing you isn't going to change that. You are so beautiful Natalie. And not just on the outside. You have a personality that radiates and makes people want to be around you, that makes people want to be you. :) You have a truthfullness in you that many people lack. You are carefree and wild, something people wish they could be.  Never look at yourself and see an ounce of ugliness. Because when I look at you I wish I was just as pretty as you. When we go out you can put yourself together in such a gorgeous way. And even just waking up your beautiful, thats why every guy wants to marry you. I just wanted to say Nat that I love you . To be safe and to think of yourself as I do. Because your so important to me Nat, And I don't want you to be sad.

I love you sister.

I wrote this to her in private, so long ago. I don't know what to say. Nat left us on Friday night. Her heart still works, her body, her brain less than 1%. But I hope your ears work Nat. I whispered to you, I held your hand, I kissed your cheek. You are my soulmate.

My life is now meant to be lived for you as well.

As soon as I know more I will let everyone know.
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