i should be asleep

Jul 08, 2006 02:38

so i watched two good movies today--that were actually kinda similar--
everything is illuminated (i cracked up so much during that!)
p.s. (i was slapping my head for a lotta parts going "oh no..." but laura linney is amazing in her subtlties and presence)
so when you get a chance...watch 'em?

going to derby days parade for the first time in my 15 years in redmond! this should be exciting =) then i get a long afternoon and it's off to the paramount!!! i'm so excited!!!! THANK YOU ALL WHO ARE COMING, THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT FOR TO ALL WHO WANTED TO BUT COULDN"T COME FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER AND to everyone else--you're seriously missing out!
but i'm getting a dvd (hopefully) soooooo i'l lget to see the whole thing
i'm excited!
except that today there was broken glass on stage or something cause another girl from my group cut the bottom of her foot (and if you've seen african dance, you know it's really feet heavy so it's bad) yesterday it was another girl...and we're the only group that has had these incidents... but that's prob also cause we're the only group that jumps around the stage barefoot--other ppl get shoes or something.


my back is sore, my feet are sore, when i'm in my costumes you can see 4+ different shades of tan on me (not good) annnnnnnnnnd yup if you have facebook, add me and you can see some of the pics i took backstage at today's performance and rehearsal.
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